Maple Hill Elementary wanted to replace the natural grass and landscape on the front entrance of the school with synthetic turf and replica plants.
Background: The district wanted to cut down on maintenance, labor and water costs. They typically had a 3-man crew on-site once a week to groom and clean. Not only was this a constant and reoccurring maintenance expense, but teachers also complained about the noise made by the crew. With a synthetic plantscape solution, the district would be able to significantly cut back on maintenance. The district had installed a synthetic plantscape at CJ Morris Elementary the previous year and it was a huge success. They saw a similar plantscape as an obvious solution for this location.
Method of Approach: KYA presented Walnut USD with the cost savings of the previous install at CJ Morris. Additionally, we worked with their landscape architect to create a realistic looking frontage design that maintained the District’s budget.
Results: The project went smoothly and visually enhanced the School’s first impression for anyone approaching the school frontage. The District, school and parents are all pleased with the result. The custodial staff is extremely pleased because it frees up their team for more important projects.