Track Resurfacing

TMI Episcopal – San Antonio, Texas


TMI Episcopal is a college preparatory school with a rich military tradition based in San Antonio, Texas that hosts 400 boarding and day students ranging from grades 6 to 12.


TMI Episcopal began noticing their track breaking down from everyday wear. The exterior curbing had begun pulling away from the track surface, creating a hazardous environment for students. In addition, TMI Episcopal wanted to incorporate school branding and had a specific time frame that needed to be met.


KYA stepped in and facilitated the resurfacing process for TMI's track. KYA's specialized design team worked hand in hand with TMI to give their track a facelift by incorporating school colors into the rubber.

Products and Systems

During the upgrade process, a full removal and resurfacing of the rubber was required. However, when areas of failed asphalt were discovered, repairing the sub-base beneath the base mat became imperative. In addition to applying the new track surface and structural spray, the KYA team monitored the area post-construction to ensure it would set correctly and undisturbed.


The client was ecstatic about KYA's results and efficiency, especially regarding the coordination of schedule to meet TMI’s specific time frame. This particular project is now the showpiece for TMI and the events they host.